I am rooting for Paul, and feel confident he is going to figure this out! This was fun, and as a fairly inept meditator myself, quite familiar!! Nice work.

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Thanks Robin, I really appreciate you saying so.

I’m rooting for Paul too - I think he’ll be okay.

Yes, I’ve always found meditating to be a very slippery minx, and as it turns out Paul seems to share my affliction.

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This is brilliant!

This is my mind and likely the mind of so many readers.

I feel like he got somewhere in that meditation. He was asking the hard questions and, from that place, he’s going to start to see the answers.

We can’t label a meditation a success or failure but if we could I’d say this one was successful because:

a) he showed up and kept going


b) he asked himself hard questions.

I love this, probably because I think it’s about me🤣

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Thanks for such a lovely and thoughtful comment Donna, I really appreciate it.

I think Paul would be pleased to hear he is not alone in his mind wandering affliction. I also have it on good authority that Paul would be happy to know you appreciated his hard-hitting questions.

And I’m really glad to hear you related to this story - that makes me (I mean, Paul) feel less crazy.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Michael Edward

I think every person has had a similar experience when attempting to meditate for the first couple of times. A rollercoaster of success and failure. 😭

I need to meditate more. Thank you for reminding me.

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Thanks Jenovia.

I know, right. Meditating is one slippery minx. And a part of the reason I find it so slippery is because, like you, I need to do it more.

But at least we’re trying.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Michael Edward

You can’t expect Paul to be going out buying fridges Willie nilly now 😊.

And yes you’re correct a lot or the we are upset, we are only really upset with ourselves.

😊 enjoyable read.

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I know, right. Paul isn’t made of money or anything.

Yes, I’ve heard some of the smart and spiritual types say so much of our discontent with the world is really unresolved internal discontent.

And I must say, I’m really glad you took that message out of the story.

Thanks 😊

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Michael Edward

It's funny I have a boyfriend that had some dodgy white goods in his time...

This was a delightful read, as always. Paul sounds nuts, but very relatable.

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Thanks for taking the time to comment Evelyn I really appreciate it.

I’m glad you was able to relate to Paul and yes I agree I think he is a bit nuts, but then again, aren’t we all...?

And I hope your boyfriend was able to resolve his white goods problem, those white goods can be a real pain in the backside sometimes.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Michael Edward

You're in great company 'Paul' - as the Poet Paul Simon suggests via his masterpiece Sounds of Silence

"Hello Darkness my old fried

It's me and the fridge again"

So yeah all noises will desist all frustrations cured with one quick phone call to Hardly Normal's 1,2,3,4,5,6

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Hahaha thanks Emmett, Paul and I both really appreciate your comment (as there is definitely two of us).

And I wasn’t aware that that was the second part of that lyric (and I’m not really sure whether your joking or being serious) but either way, I really enjoyed your comment - it made me laugh more than I did when I wrote the piece.

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This was so good, Michael! I totally enjoyed the unraveling.

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Thank you Priya, I really appreciate you saying so.

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“Fuck that’s confronting…” 😂 I am Paul! This was such a good description of meditation. And we used to have a fridge like that when we lived in the States, American fridges seemed particularly loud…

Excellent work, Michael!

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Thanks Chloe, I really appreciate it. And I’m glad to hear you related to Paul.

Yeah those damn loud fridges can be a real pain.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Michael Edward

Yep me and 'Paul' are kindred - mainly because my own attempts to 'meditate/ are (nearly) always a 'fridge too far' - keep up the great (and REAL) work

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Thanks Emmett.

And this may be super random - but I think there was an episode (or at least a scene) in the Simpson’s where someone says the phrase “a fridge too far” and you just made me think of it.

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That fridge sounds like a Zen master to me - Paul should keep it. ;) Nicely done, Michael!

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Hahaha yeah that fridge is the real hero. Thanks Troy :)

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The hardest mental thing a person can ever do is think of nothing.

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I agree!

And I have a sneaking suspicion Paul would agree as well.

Thanks for taking the time to comment Leo.

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Maybe it's worth befriending this curious guy Paul. You seem to have such great access to Paul's thoughts, he might be worth examining even closer 😎

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Hahaha maybe 🤔

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I know Paul. I relate to Paul. I like Paul. God damn it, I think I am Paul. Hang in there man, we're with you. Breath in for 6 and out for 6. You got this Paul.

Is someone starting a fund to buy Paul a new fridge? I hope so, I can hear it from the U.K. and it's starting to annoy me already.

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Thanks for such an awesome comment April!

I like Paul too haha.

And yes, I have it on good authority that Paul finally got a new fridge, and so now his restless mind has found other things to distract him while he meditates - but he tries.

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I'm rooting for him. I keep trying too!!

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Paul’s rooting for you too, April.

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